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Rene Goh

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Today's phone in our pocket has 100,000 times the power of the computer that landed man on the moon 50 years ago. Our world is evolving at breakneck speed today. The World Economic Forum projected that more new jobs will be created compared to the ones lost. Uncertainty remains about what these new jobs would be. But the time to change our approach to learning new skills has come. The time is now. The 4th Industrial Revolution has begun.

Try These 5 Steps For Learning New Skills Faster

Being able to pick up a new skill quickly is an asset in today’s workplace, but our typical learning habits aren’t always speedy enough. By breaking your goal down into its component parts, you can actually speed up your learning time.

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The 10 skills you need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has brought us advanced robotics and autonomous transport, artificial intelligence and machine learning, advanced materials, biotechnology and genomics. These developments will transform the way we live, and the way we work. Some jobs will disappear, others will grow and jobs that don’t even exist today will become commonplace. What is certain is that the future workforce will need to align its skillset to keep pace.

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What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? | CNBC Explains

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in creating a safe financial environment for their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Rene Goh
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Hailey | Auditor

Rene is a very helpful, patience and trustworthy financial consultant . She explained to me all the detailed plans provided by Prudential. I am very grateful for her service and definitely will recommend her to my friend if they intend to buy insurance in Singapore.

Hui Mei | 30+ | QS Professional

Hi, I knew Rene through my brother.she is a detail person, she help me do detail comparison and give detail explanations. Her prompt and efficiency is my favourite.Yes, if my friends do need a agent.

Calvin Koh | Designer

Rene是我通过之前的一个agent认识的。我觉得她跟别人不一样的地方是她是个很专注于客户体验与服务的财务顾问且很乐于助人并愿意分享她的专业知识及提供专业意见。我希望她可以继续帮助到更多有需要的朋友们。 很棒哟👍🏻☺️

Yan Ling | Beautician

我是通过闺蜜介绍认识到Rene。她非常有耐心 在和她交谈时也让人感到放松自在。Rene让我了解到保险和理财的重要性,在和我分析的过程中非常清楚也容易明白。所以我非常愿意分享给我的家人朋友,让他们更了解保险和理财的知识!

Vivian | Engineer |20+

我是经过朋友介绍而认识rene 的,朋友推荐了她的财务顾问给我。Rene 很友善也很细心的讲解适合我的保单,也不会强迫我买。就算拒绝她也不会有压力,她尊重每个人的意见和想法。跟她聊天也很愉快,大家就像朋友那样。我会愿意推荐她给身边的家人和朋友们。

Lynn&Siang| Executive | Young couple

感恩与Rene的相遇,Rene是我堂姐的好友,是在我堂姐的婚礼上认识的^^ 认识Rene的那年,我仅有25岁,现在的我已是29. 感恩Rene教会我人生中最重要的事,“保护好自己的同时也保护家人” 与 “计划永远赶不上变化” ,很多事情都会在你预料之外发生. 趁我还年轻,开始了第一个保单“储蓄”,这对很多年轻人来说非常重要. 紧接下来,我人生中的另一伴出现了,我开始请Rene帮我们规划,什么保单适合我们,过程中我们懂得更多,我也会分享给我身边的朋友. 当他们有需要,就可以去询问Rene,她会先聆听你的需求及分享她的经验,再来分析最适合你现在处境的保单,绝对不会强迫或令你不舒服. 非常感恩与Rene的相遇,她是位非常热心助人,诚实守信激励的一位”你值得相信的顾问”.^^